The Right Way To Handle And Store Antique Damaged Maps

Taking care of antique maps is a challenge. Their delicacy makes them vulnerable to rips and tears, stains, and creases. Even after diligent care, a simple unfolding and refolding can crumble these maps. You don’t want to end up with missing sections on your priceless map, do you? For the longevity of these wonderful authentic pieces, you have to be extra careful while taking handling them.

Wondering how to delicately take care of fragile, timeless antique damaged maps?  Have a look at these essential points we have shared here.

Handling Antique Maps
  • Dirt, oil, and salts from touch causes deterioration of maps over time. While handling antique maps always wear gloves to eliminate damage by contact. However, please ensure  you’re wearing white gloves that are free from added colors.
  • Though wearing gloves minimize the risk of stain formation, it increases the risk of tears and other issues. The reason being, gloves tend to minimize the ability to feel what you are holding, resulting in you applying more force than usual  Therefore, you have to be extra precautious.
  • As damaged maps have brittle papers, fragments might easily get split up. While reading, lay the map flat on an acid-free movable surface. Now, Instead of moving the map, use the surface for tilting and viewing.
Storing Antique Maps
  • To store antique maps, make sure to have a dedicated flat storage box, free from acid or other chemical exposure. Avoid stacking them on top of each other. This might increase the risk of mold formation.
  • For maps, that are large and cannot be stored on a flat surface, use an acid-free tube. Securely roll the map and place it inside. Keep it horizontally to avoid bumping of the map’s edges.
  • Do not store maps with paper or binder clips since metal corrodes over time. You might risk the formation of stains in your timeless piece.
If you have some beautiful antique damaged maps that require restoration, look for antique maps restoration service.


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